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Posted By Topic: [ RACING ] RacingChat ChatRoom Rules & Regulations and Helps       - Views: 33224
sayusayme 09-Dec 2017 Saturday 11:48 PM (2492 days ago)
SanPorSen, Foxs, krislee and 18 others  21 Likes  

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Dear Chatters,

To provide a conductive and pleasant environment for all our AsianRacing ChatRoom users, we need your co-operation to adhere to the rules & regulations stated below.

Please be informed that we are only providing coverage on totes, tips, results, dividends and live commentaries for SG/HK/MY races, priority in that order. Such informations are dependent on availability of volunteers. We welcome any chatter who is willing to help and might even promote their status in our chatroom. 

This is done for the benefit for all chatters in our chatroom. Other than making it look messy, interrupting during these periods will make it difficult for other chatters to read. Furthermore, it won’t take long. Such inconsiderate actions defeat the very purpose of providing these information. Intentional or repeat offenders will be kicked or banned.

This help to avoid confusion and misunderstanding. Offenders will be warned/kicked/banned.

DO NOT solicit or offer betting accounts or ask for personal details.
DO NOT ask for Bookies/Runners or post your personal details. Offenders will be kicked and banned immediately.

Promoting other products and any websites (other than of any kind are strictly prohibited. Not even mentioning or asking of any websites. This include gambling websites, pay sites or tips sites, pornographic websites, sportsbooks or racing websites etc. Offenders will be kicked and banned immediately.
Posting or asking of any website links are not allowed. Offenders will be kicked and banned immediately.
NO FLOODING of any kind are allowed in our chatroom. Offenders will be kicked and banned immediately.
Suggestions, differences of opinions and humour are always welcomed and appreciated but flaming at any time will not be tolerated and warrants a warning or a kick ban depending on the severity.
No Vulgarities are allowed at all times. Do not be rude to your fellow chatters or to the admins. Offenders will be kicked or banned depending on the severity.
This is to ensure peace and harmony in our chatroom at all times. Offenders will be kicked or banned depending on the severity.
Such sensitive off topic chats will only create disharmony and are strictly prohibited. Offenders will be kicked or banned depending on the severity.
ChatAdmins are here to ensure our chatrooms stay peaceful and harmonious always so that all chatters will benefit from it. At times, the ChatAdmins have to take the unpopular decision of kicking or banning offenders to maintain peace and order. Please render them the respect they deserve and do not challenge their decisions in their course of duties. In the event of disputes, ChatAdmins shall always have the last say and their decisions are final.                 
Thanks & Regards,
The ChatAdmins Team of AsianBookie & AsianRacing ChatRooms  

This message was edited by sayusayme on 09-Dec-2017 @ 11:48 PM

SanPorSen, Foxs, krislee and 18 others  21 Likes  

sayusayme 23-Apr 2016 Saturday 12:08 PM (3087 days ago)            #2

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Enter our AsianRacing Chatroom via the button above this thread

OR alternatively via mIRC as described below

Using mIRC


1) Download the client

The version I personally use is 6.21, which you can get here:
These instructions are for 6.21, but should be comparable to those for the latest version.

2) Install it by running the .exe file you just downloaded. 

3) Start the program. 

The following popup should appear in the program:

If it doesn't click here:

Or click Tools -> Options

4) Fill out "personal" information.

Before you click on Connect to Server, you need to enter in your Full Name, E-mail, Nickname and Alternative.

Your full name and email don’t have to be real, you can make whatever you like up.

Your nickname is what is displayed to others when you're connected to the server, an alternative is just in case that nickname has already been taken.

Note: IRC nicknames must be unique and are non-case sensitive, i.e. Bruce and bruce are the same name. No two people can have exactly the same nickname. If you use a common name like Neo or Maverick, be prepared to use an alternative spelling or have special characters at the end e.g. Neo^ or |Maverick|. It's probobly a good idea to use your forum nickname.

5) Add a server.

If you don't want to add the server you can just type in:


Click here for a Screen shot- use not

Then press enter, it will do a bunch off stuff as you connect (Something like this)

Otherwise you will need to go here to add a server:

Rizon should be on the server list by defult.

If it isn't for whatever reason click "add" to add a new server.

Description: [Whatever you like]
IRC Server:

Ports: 6667
Group: Rizon
Password: [Leave Blank]

5) Connect to the server

Make sure the rizon server is selected and go back up to where you put originally put in your email name and nick.

You can now click the "connect to server" button.

A new window will appear called Status. This is where server messages are displayed. You cannot close this window, or you will disconnect from the server, but you can minimize or hide it if you want.

Wait until you see the server welcome message. It'll be a bunch of text something like this

6) Join the Channel

To join the #AsianRacing or #AsianBookie channel simply type in:

/j #asianracing   or   /j #asianbookie

And press enter.

You should see something like this.

You're in! ^_^ So start chatting.

This message was edited by sayusayme on 23-Apr-2016 @ 12:11 PM This message was edited by sayusayme on 23-Apr-2016 @ 12:13 PM This message was edited by sayusayme on 23-Apr-2016 @ 12:33 PM

This message was edited by sayusayme on 25-Apr-2016 @ 3:47 PM

Orang Ipoh 23-Apr 2016 Saturday 12:11 PM (3087 days ago)            #3

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Thanks For Infomation.

sayusayme 23-Apr 2016 Saturday 12:24 PM (3087 days ago)            #4

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Nickname Registration On MIRC Rizon 

The following command will begin the registration process:

  1. /msg NickServ REGISTER yourPassword [email protected] 
    Make sure that your password is longer than 5 characters, and that your email is valid. 
  2. Check your email for a response from Rizon. Copy and paste the confirmation code found in the email, which should have the following format: 
    /msg NickServ CONFIRM ConfirmationCodeFromEmail 
    If the confirmation code above is not entered within 24 hours, the nickname will be released and available for others to register.
    If the confirmation code above was copied correctly and still gives you an error, just type it out by hand. Copying seems to break it in some cases.

Keep in mind that Yahoo and Hotmail seem to block emails from Rizon sometimes, and that you check your spam folder incase you haven't received the email yet.

Identify your nickname

Now that you have [registered] your [nickname], it is very important to remember to identify EVERYTIME you access Rizon. The password in this case is the password you supplied during nick registration.

  • Usage: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password

NickServ Groups

If you plan to have more than one nicknames, you might want to create a NickServ group. This will allow you to share channel access, memos, and configuration across all nicknames in your group. To group your current nickname with another nickname, make sure that your current nickname is not registered to NickServ, and that the nickname you're planning to "merge" with is registered to NickServ.

For example, if you want your new nickname joe142 to be part of your other nickname, Joe, you'll want to make sure that your current nickname, joe142 is not registered, and then issue the following command:

  • /msg NickServ GROUP Joe passwordofJoe

If succeeded, NickServ will then send you a message confirming that You are now in the group of Joe. 

If the nickname joe142 is registered before grouping, it will not work. You'll want to drop the nickname joe142 from registration. 

  1. To do this, you must make sure that your current nickname is the registered nickname you plan to drop, in our case joe142, and then type the following command: 
    /msg NickServ DROP joe142

  1. NickServ will then send you a message, asking you to confirm the drop with a special code along the lines of:
    /msg NickServ DROP joe142specialCode

After this code has been entered, you are free to retry the grouping process.

Please note that any channel access associated with joe142 will be removed when dropping it.
You can read about more NickServ commands, as well as other commands over at the <******="" style="text-decoration: none; color: rgb(11, 0, 128); background: none;" title="Services Commands">Services Commands page.


Errors while registering

If you did not receive the registration email, or if you entered the wrong email during the registration process, you can cancel the registration process with the following command:

  • /msg NickServ CANCEL registrationPassword

Reset Password

  1. To request a reset of your password, type the following command:
    /msg NickServ RESETPASS yourNick
  2. An email will be sent to the email address registered to your nickname from Rizon. Copy and paste the confirmation command found in the email, which should have the following format:
    /msg NickServ ENTERCODE codeFromEmail 
    Note that this code will expire if not used within 24 hours.
  3. NickServ will assign you a temporary password with the message Password changed to tempPassword. Use this temporary password to identify to your nickname with:
    /msg NickServ IDENTIFY tempPassword
  4. If you have successfully identified to your nickname, you can change your temporary password to anything of your own choice:
    /msg NickServ SET PASSWORD yourPassword

In step 4, please note that SET PASSWORD is part of the command, and that you enter your personal password in the part after it, i.e yourPassword.

Expired Nickname

If a nickname has not been identified to for 90 days, the nickname will expire of inactivity, as well as its access on any channels. You will have to re-register it.

This message was edited by sayusayme on 23-Apr-2016 @ 12:38 PM

tanglintiger 23-Apr 2016 Saturday 1:09 PM (3087 days ago)            #5

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What is the difference between login from mirc and from our forum direct ?

sayusayme 23-Apr 2016 Saturday 1:25 PM (3087 days ago)            #6

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quote originally posted by tanglintiger:
What is the difference between login from mirc and from our forum direct ?

MIRC itself is a program whereby you hv to download it in order to use it full functions and features like those ban and kick etc commands. Accessing our chatroom from our forum direct means logging in from the net, something like a net version whereby a lot of functions and features cant be used..e.g. PM, registered nick and lots more.

BAN|nBANK 23-Apr 2016 Saturday 4:54 PM (3087 days ago)            #7

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quote originally posted by tanglintiger:
What is the difference between login from mirc and from our forum direct ?

Once you login via mirc you will love it, atleast you can use commands to kickban   sayusayme !!! :)

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